OS Tick

The hardware independent interface to set up interrupt timers or halt CPU in terms of OS ticks.


Set up the periodic timer to interrupt at a frequency of ‘os_ticks_per_sec’ using the following function call where ‘prio’ is the cpu-specific priority of the periodic timer interrupt.

void os_tick_init(uint32_t os_ticks_per_sec, int prio);

You can halt CPU for up to n ticks:

void os_tick_idle(os_time_t n);

The function implementations are in the mcu-specific directories such as hw/mcu/nordic/nrf51xxx/src/hal_os_tick.c.


void os_tick_init(uint32_t os_ticks_per_sec, int prio)

Set up the periodic timer to interrupt at a frequency of ‘os_ticks_per_sec’.

‘prio’ is the cpu-specific priority of the periodic timer interrupt.

  • os_ticks_per_sec: Frequency of the OS tick timer

  • prio: Priority of the OS tick timer

void os_tick_idle(os_time_t n)

Halt CPU for up to ‘n’ ticks.

  • n: The number of ticks to halt the CPU for