Security through the life of a device

One of the primary goals of the Apache Mynewt project is to facilitate security assurance at every stage of a product's lifecycle. Securing a device essentially requires balancing the cost of the product inclusive of all its security mechanisms and the value of the product, keeping in mind that neither should exceed the cost of attacks on deployments of that product. Apache Mynewt OS takes care of the fundamental security requirements of a connected embedded device in a commercial marketplace. It also acknowledges that security is an ongoing effort with evolving threat scenarios, and therefore enables remote, secure updates over the product's lifetime.

Stage Secure Feature/Service
Development Dev image signing and verification
Separation of duties
Enable HW security (e.g. crypto accelerator)
Enable security logs and stats
Manufacturing Unique Device ID
Unique Crypto keys
Secure bootloader
Manufacturing data integrity
Deployment Prod image signing and verification
Authenticated and authorized network join
Secure manufacturing data upload
Secure time update
Operations Authorized access to device
Mutual authentication
Encrypted communication
Data integrity
Secure over-the-air updates
Decommission Authorized credential removal